Sunday, January 6, 2013

Women Can Play Too?!

I have been thinking about this for a while now.... A lot more now that I have been single... I am always so worried about how men view me... Like I never want a man to EVER consider  me out to be some sort or whore, slut, hoe, whatever! because at the end of the day! I am not, and I know I am not... 

But It still bothers me that to this day when men can do stuff and be considered BOSS'S but if a women does it she is a whore! 

Example:: If a guy sleeps with a chick, and her sister, cousin etc, he is a player! He got so much game blah blah blah BULLSHIT!!! 
BUT if a female does that same shit, she is a homie hopping whore!!!!

And why is is okay for a guy to have sex with a girl, and put on his clothes, and leave after sex... But if a girl does it she is basically a hoe too! 

WHAT THE FUCK so women cant wanna leave after sex? If your on a just sex bases, why confuse the matter with cuddling? Or staying afterwards>? I do not understand this once so ever!!!

And I am sick of it! Women have hormones just as well as men do! and it is a fact that WOMEN NORMALLY HAVE WAY MORE SEX PARTNERS THEN MEN DO IN A LIFE TIME!!! Wanna know why? Because women DO NOT ADVERTISE there business.... And EVEN IF WE DID we are considered WHORES ANYWAYS!!!

I just feel like men want to call us out of our names, but be the same ones begging to fuck us! For us to do them sexual favors etc... And even when we do turn them down... WERE STILL WHORES!!!!

MEN get your shit together, if ya'll were actually PLEASING women the correct way, maybe we would not have to go through so many sexual partners to get PLEASED!!!! 

I am just speaking in GENERAL!!! like seriously We as women should all go BUY TOYS and go the FUCK ON STRICT!!! if ya dude isnt putting it down right! STOP GIVING IT TO HIM!!! why are we as women always being MEN PLEASERS??? Its 2013 and Ill be damned if I keep tryna please folks whom are not pleasing me!! and that is in general!!! 

So to all the MEN who think were WHORE because we like to be SEXUALLY Satisfied THE PICTURE BELOW IS FOR YOU!!!!! 

2013 I am on one!!!!

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