Sunday, December 1, 2013


 Okay, So we have learned or heard all our lives that sex before marriage is wrong, and that we should wait until we are married...
             I always thought that was so CRAZY especially after I started having sex... I was like there is no way people should wait to experience something so beautiful....
                                    But now that I am older I completely understand, Sex is a very powerful act. A very powerful display of emotion. The act its self should be shared between people whom actually care about each other....

I've heard endless people say sex is okay as long as you know not to catch feelings... But my question is HOW DO YOU NOT CATCH feelings for someone you just gave a piece of yourself  to?

Like honesty each time you have sex with someone your literally giving them a piece of yourself that YOU CAN NEVER GET BACK!! Why give yourself to someone whom doesnt genuinely care about you? 

For example, think of all the men or women you had sex with, if you were terminally ill or died tomorrow would they be at your funeral? Would they even give a damn that your sick or that you died? SOME MIGHT but MOST OF THEM WON'T because at the end of the day you were just a good FUCK (if they even considered you to be GOOD). 

I am going to be COMPLETELY honest here, I found myself catching feelings for men that I have slept with knowing these feelings are not genuinely there... It is very confusing, I started to feel like I had way more emotions towards people then I actually did... 

                                        Which is why sex should really be with someone you care about whom cares about you... Now I know were not all going to wait until we are married especially those of us whom have had sex, and have seen how beautiful it really is... BUT JUST BE MORE WARY of the people you choose to be with. Do not BE SOMEONES TROPHY piece of ASS... Do not allow these men or women to take pieces of your soul just so they can brag to the next man or women about "being with you". Stop allowing these men or women to make you believe they care about you so that you will sleep with them when they damn well do not care anything about you! 

I tell my sisters all the time just because you've had sex that does not mean you HAVE to have sex with every person you come across! and it is TRUE just because were SEXUALLY ACTIVE does NOT MEAN WE NEED TO HAVE SEX WITH EVERYONE... it doesn't AND I REFUSE to keep allowing men to enter my personal temple and take pieces of my gold just for the hell of it... naw BRAH I am not with it...  
 Now I am not saying that I am judging people who are having sex before marriage I am not judging nor am I telling anyone to stop having sex, I am clearly stating that I understand why I was told all my life I should wait until were married... It took me long enough to get the point... At one point I did not feel like I carried any feelings for the person I was active with, when I was younger I thought I loved almost every guy lol, and then I did not care at all. I guess as time progresses I am starting to see the real nature and emotions behind the act, and I am starting to see why it is so important to wait for the right person to give yourself to. 
    I do not care what no one says I feel like all women at least if not men too but all women go through a promiscuous stage, and did things we might not be proud of.. AGAIN I AM GOING TO BE HONEST WITH ALL MY BLOGS. 

So when I was like 15-16-17 those I would have to say were my toughest years, I was lost, and unsure of what I wanted and where I was going, and I was sleeping around... I felt like at that moment in my life that was the only thing I could control was how I partied and who I slept with... Now DO NOT GET ME WRONG... I was NOT JUST OUT THERE sleeping with everyone it was not OUT OF CONTROL... but now when I look at it it really was, I'll say within those three years I probably slept with 5-7 guys. Which is not a lot. BUT THE FUCK 15-17 MY ASS should not have been sleeping with no one... AT ALL!!!   I however do not regret the choices I choosed to make... I regret not understanding the power of sex, and how valuable it is, and how I can never get back what I allowed these men to have. But from every experience is a lesson learned... 

I am very grateful that throughout those years I did not get and std's, nor did I wine up with children. At least I was smart enough to use condoms. 

The moral of my story is,.. Sex IS A VERY POWERFUL ACT, and if your single... save yourself until your married or in a serious relationship... if your STILL A VIRGIN WAIT WAIT!!! I SWEAR sex is so much better when it is between two people whom both care deeply about each other... We ALL HAVE skeletons, I know who I am today and I do not allow myself to be judged based on my pass... I am not that 15-17 year old girl anymore, nor am I that 19, 20, 21 girl... I am me, I might be different tomorrow... WHO KNOWS but what I do know is I am worth the wait, and if mfs really care about me then they will RESPECT ME and will wait... and if they choose not to then they DONT CARE... were all worth more! KNOW YOUR WORTH PEOPLE... stop giving yourself away... waiting will be worth it...

So My vow today is, I am going to wait...I am single, and until I am on the right path with the right man my GOODIES will be kept in their bag! I need to be with someone who cares about me... not someone who is looking for a quick nut, or a quick fix, and I do not need to be looking for that either... 

December 2013! Hello

December is here!!! Christmas TIME!!! SEASON GREETINGS!!!! TIS' THE SEASON ETC! 

I cannot believe the end of 2013 is here, OMG! SO much has happened this year! 

        I am happy to get ready for Christmas, and New Years tho! I always TURN UP for New Years with my Best friend TIA we always have a good time! Christmas this year should be good too all of my siblings are supposed to be together for Christmas, so it should be fun and interesting. 

                     However I do have some things on my mind to address... I am getting older every year... And the less time I have to waste.... MEANING ALL DRAMA family, friend, fb, work ETC I do not want any part of... it is only wasting my time, and I do not have much time left to waste... Like Im not where I need or want to be in my life right now, so I will be damned if I waste anymore time with bullshit....

       With our family and friends we need to learn where to draw the line in their personal lifes. Like of course we all want the best for our family, and friends... we all want the people we associate with to carry themselves a certian way, but we cannot make anyone do anything!

      I will not get into relationship issues that do not directly affect my life, NOW I MIGHT GIVE A COMMENT or put my FEEDBACK in the situation but I am not going to full blown argue with ANYONE about THEIR RELATIONSHIPS.... its not my business... WHy get all worked up about what the next mf is doing in their relationship... they gone do what they want to do I cannot nor will not even try to control it... Its not my relationship its not my life... 

    Their is a fine line you can cross when referencing friends/family's relationships... I know where the line is and I choose not to cross it because it is not my business...

That does NOT MEAN I am okay with a situation or I do not care that it has happened but I am not going to waste my energy being upset about it... I can't I do not have time for it... 

This is the END OF 2013 I want to end it on a POSITIVE NOTE WITH MY SIBLINGS that is all, I am ready for the NEW YEAR, and I am hoping to get alot of things accomplished for 2014 so that I am OWN 2015!!!! yes I am being optimistic very but hey there is alot of things I HAVE TO GET DONE, and I am HOPING within 2014 everything will get done!!!!