Friday, December 28, 2012

December is Like OVER?!?!?!

So today is December 28, 2012 and we are all still here! #soMuch4TheWorldEnding right? It is crazy how every year the world is to end, people are nuts! and Frankly I do not want to know about it! I rather it just happen.... I think, I just don't want to be horrified up until it happens. I rather be happy and calm, and then die... I do not really know... so we will be moving right along...

Soooooo I have been single! and I have really been enjoying myself! Like I do not really have to answer to no one, I have been going out, and doing things I want to do without feeling bad about it... I have been acting 22 for once in my life I can act my own age!!! Sort of, but still it has been soooo nice!!!

I however tend to put all my eggs in one basket, even being single, I have noticed I try to build up around one certain guy! Like do not get me wrong I have several guy friends, but still all my eggs seem to be in this one guys basket... and I really do not like it... Like he is Single to, and I swear it is something about him, that takes me there... Like I just do not know how to act some times when it comes to him... But I am not about drama, and bullshit so I have just been kinda I guess staying to myself more. I am trying anyways... I feel like I am too emotionally available for everyone!!! and I need to not be so open to everyone... and Make people be more open for me.

I have been struggling with things lately... like my emotions have been a bit every where... and I have just been trying to keep focus, and ensure myself that within a few months everything will be back good, and everyone will be good... Its hard to go from the being the girl that damn near had everything... so basically starting over... It honestly was in the best interest for me and my family, and I do not regret the decision that I have made... it is just very hard for me to accept it. I just some times feel like I just wanna pack a bag and run away... but what does that really solve? NOTHING, so no point in doing that lol... It is just weird, I am in a very weird place right now... and I will be glad when it is over.

So December is like over, and January will be here in like 3 freaking days!!! I cannot believe how fast this year has gone! it has gone so fast! I am really shocked about it actually.... Time is flying and yet some of us are standing still... I have big plans for 2013.. Not really goals.. Because we all do that right? Make New year resolutions, and then do not stick to them... Yeah I just have plans to be a more better person in general than I was in 2012. Like I am a good person but we all have room for growth... and it doest hurt to take in that room and prosper as a person to better yourself and your loved ones. so that is just what I am looking for doing, becoming a better me...

I really think I have some great stuff to talk about, until I start writing, and realize I am really not talking about anything... LOL but this is my BLOG and you really do not have to read it! HOWEVER thank you for reading it :)  I hope everyone had a wonder Christmas, and Has a even better NEW YEAR!!!! 2013!!! Were about to be in there!!!!

P.s  think for New Years Eve, I am going to get WHITE GIRL WASTED and write a blog, Wonder how many of my secrets will come out within that!!! haha ! be on the look out!! SOOON it is gonna go down!!!

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