Thursday, December 31, 2015

As I Welcome 2016 I reflect on What 2015 has taught Me!

2016 is approaching within hours, so I thought now would be a good time to reflect on 2015.
2015 was a very quick year, it was here, and now gone just like that! But I have grown so much this year it is crazy!!!! And in this blog post I am going to address different things I have learned, about me, about life, and what I want from what I wanted.... So much has changed I am literally no where near the person I was in 2014! And I am excited to share some of these things with you all! 

Okay so the learning quotes! great place to start! 

I some times felt like I knew enough to get by... Like some times I found myself becoming upset when someone tries to tell me something. I once heard the saying "You cannot teach a old dog new tricks" and in some cases that may be true! However I do not ever want that to be true for me! I do not ever want to think I know enough to get by! I want to know whatever I can learn! Learning is truly the power in today's world! So humble down and stop being Mr. or Miss. Know it all because truth is no one knows everything, and learning something new does not hurt it will only empower you! 

I also found the quote picture that says "You Don't Drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there." This means literally everything to me... Because I sometimes feel like once I make a mistake there is no going back, and that is where I drowned at... Just because one decision did not work out does not mean I or you cannot turn it around! I've been saying a lot lately we all have the same 24hrs in a day, like do what you have to do and get it together! There has been so many times where I just felt like giving up, and that the water was feeling my lungs and I was just going to drown.... but then that little voice inside of me said do NOT GIVE UP! this year has been so up and down for me! I am human so I will continue to make mistakes but I will never Drown!!!

Okay, Okay so 2015 has seriously taught me I am my worst enemy for sure. There were so many goals I set and let fall through because I became to over whelmed or got to discouraged or talked myself down to play in the safe zone! Like seriously I have been for about 6 months trying to organize my closet, and this is just a small petty project I am using as a example. But seriously I would always talk myself out of it, like oh I will not have enough sleep for work, or Oh I do not really want to let go of some of those clothes I have not wore in two years that still have price tags on them. Like this closet thing was just ridiculous and real at the same time. I learned just within that one project, that I am scared to let go of things, and that I will talk myself out of anything! And I do as I reevaluate a lot of goals I had set for 2015 I literally talked myself out of them! I had myself believing that my own goals, and dreams were unattainable because I was scared to try and fail! I feel like a lot of us do that! We are so scared that we are going to fail at something we do not even try! How would we ever really even know the outcome if we keep that up? I do that a lot and that is something I do not wish to bring into 2016 with me. I am my biggest critic and it is not all that bad but I have to alone myself room for mistakes! It is funny though because apart of me is like "yeah right bitch do you not think you made enough mistakes this far? you have no more room for mistakes!" That is what I hear every time I set a goal and chicken myself out of it! NO NO NO more of that! fuck it! I am going to set sail on a these goals, and if I humble along the way I will correct it and keep going! 2016 there will be mistakes! but I am not going to be afraid to even try!!! I am for real going to stop stopping myself from being great!!! 

I am currently working two jobs, one full-time, and the other is part-time. I am grinding for myself, for Baby Monroe, for my goals, and for my dreams! I have realized within 2015 I also settle for a lot of bullshit because it is easier... it is comfortable, and it is not hard! Yet I am not satisfied... I want that next level I want that push that is going to take me out my comfort zone, and make me appreciate everything even more. Now do not get me wrong I appreciate everyone I have,everything I have. I appreciate and am very humble for all I have gone through and to still be standing smiling ready for the next whorl wind is great! I'm just ready to jump out of comfort and explore my options! I am ready for a new adventure in a sense... I am ready to explore my mid-20's and live a little! I am going to get out of this box for 2016 and for myself. With learning that I am for real my own worst enemy and acknowledging it I think I will not be so scared to push myself to the next level of life and live! I just do not want to get older and regret never trying! 
So all together now, 2015 has taught me that I scare myself out of doing things that could benefit me or could just be life lessons, and that I need to live, laugh, and love more often! 2015 Has also taught me to become closer to Our God which has been a amazing journey within itself. 2015 has also taught me that I am 110% done with settling! I am not settling for anything else!!! like It is not worth it and I am young enough to correct it and I refuse to get to old to even care that I am settling anymore! NOOOOOO lol I have got to live for me and stop being so fearful to make mistakes! I have also learned that I do not technically need new friends, but everyone is put in my life for a reason so until God decides they have served their purpose I need to embrace everyone he chooses to have come across me! you never know where your blessings truly lay!

Anyhoo I hope you all have embraced the lessons 2015 has taught you, and I hope everyone is just excited to be Welcoming 2016 as I am! Please remember the only person you are in competition with is the person you were yesterday! Be great! stay great! and like always THANKS FOR READING!!!!!


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