Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Okay, I fucked up... I'll admit, and I am going to admit it to the world so hopefully this blog will either

1. Help people know that there is a way to solve this
2. Stop people from going through this

Now, when I turned 18 I wanted to build my credit, I applied everywhere for credit cards, everyone turned me down because I had no credit... Frustrated as I was I finally found a company who was willing to give me a card. Once I got the card, I used it and repaid it properly and on time. A few months  after I got my card, I went and got a car off the lot, after saving 2,000 dollars to put down on my car. I went and got my car which was also building my credit...

     A few months later I started receiving all kinds of credit cards in the mail, because my score was good I was doing what I needed to do and was on my shit. So STUPID ME every offer I received I accepted, until the point where I had 8 credit cards and finally felt like enough was enough...

Even with 8 cards I was using them here and there and paying them back promptly. Which instead of saving I was constantly spending, these cards made me feel like I had the power to buy the world... (Well not really but at lest buy whatever I WANTED not needed but wanted) and of course I did...

Then things happened, like I lost my job, my car got hit, even with losing my job I still had bills that needed to be paid  I still had to live... SO guess what yall? I turned to those credit cards, maxed them all out... Got another job that was not paying like my last job which made it hard for me to cover my regular monthly bills let alone pay on these credit cards...

Now with all of that those cards starting charging me late fees and interest it was like even when I did pay on them it wasn't good enough the debt just kept building.

I started getting all these harassing calls, and letters via email and mail. Because I done spent these people's money with no idea on how I was going to pay them back. THIS WAS LAST YEAR LET ME MIND YOU ALL.
I felt like this --->
I just wanted something to help me, to save me from this mess.... And I got to thinking well no one helped me get into this mess no one told me to activate all those cards, and max them out, and at the time I was doing what I needed to do to survive, even then I should have thought of a better plan then maxing out all those cards... I have learned my lesson on that
With that being said, its JUNE 25th 2013, and I am just now able to start putting out this fire, that has been burning for a long time... It is beyond stressful, I work work and work to pay bills bills and bills. BUT AGAIN this is debt I have caused...

We all have hard times, and go through whatever and need to do by all means to do what we need to do to survive... We have to... no one can better take care of us better then us... I am the only one that can provide what is in my best interest... I am the one that takes care of me the best...

I could easily be like fuck it.... im not paying no one shit... But I spent the money so these companies will get their money back... they took  risk out on me by allowing me to use their services, so I want to at least show them that YES my account is has been past due... but DAMN iT at least you know you will get whats yours! AT LEAST FROM ME....
Now, my plans are to get rid of 6 of the 8 cards, I am going to keep two because within this process my credit score has took a turn for the worst. So with two cards I am sure I can rebuild that with time... I am not going to over buy ever again... I mean going shopping is awesome here and there! We all deserve to buy ourselves new stuff HELL we worked hard for our money... But when your spending more then your making that is not good, or constantly spending and not saving, that is not good either.
I am going to get my credit back right!
I have never been more determined, and devoted to do by all means for anything... I am going to get myself back on track!
I will rock a NAME TAG just like this and take a zillion pics and post them everywhere once I have knocked down all this shit!
It would be easier if I didn't have rent etc, if I could just take my work checks and devote them all to my debt it would BE NOTHING to knock this shit out in like 3 to 4 months... but I do have real life bills on top of this debt... I have vet bills, I have car bills, my car needs worked on etc. But I am confident that BEFORE 2014 My credit will be cleared, and on its way back to the top....
I am just that determined!
I got this!!
This is my blog to my readers, that yes we make mistakes, but we can also fix them to! With time and hard work we can fix this!
Get up go check your credit score, and make it right!!! stop being turned down for stuff make it right!!!!
Get at me if you have any questions, I don't know everything but I have learned a lot within this process!!!
AND PLEASE PLEASE stay within your means when it comes to these cards... once you get one and other creditors see your doing good, they will all come at you for your business which can either make or break your credit score if your not super careful!
Thanks for listening, and hopefully I helped you all decide to fix your score, OR stop some of you from even breaking it!!!  

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